1. All the runs have gone quite well; even the Threshold efforts were not too painful. A 12-mile hilly run at Hemel Hempstead was quite enjoyable and, while not fast, at least faster than my previous long runs on flat ground.
  2. Very good advice on nutrition, supplements and gels from Solgar and HIGH5, and confirmation that I eat a healthy diet. My beetroot a day was commended and even more my usual breakfast of fruit, porridge and a tin of sardines – not all mixed together I should add. No one else thought they could face sardines first thing in the morning.
  3. Potentially best of all. An experienced marathoner said I don’t need to give up alcohol for four weeks before the London, as I usually do. He even recommended one beer the night before. I think I need confirmation of the value of this before I have the nerve to follow his example.